Mom Is Learning

After All, ‘She’ matters without an ornament

Have you ever noticed any dark skinned woman in her thirties who is trying to make herself seen? I have personally known someone whose incomparable gritty personality matches with none, and whose complexion is like black velvet. She has always been my agony aunt and a mentor.

She has explained me many a times that having a fair or dark complexion should not restrict you from being what you actually are. The real meaning of skin deep was well elaborated by her to me when I needed to know it the most.

As an inspiration, she has throughout guided me that healthy skin prevails any color codes distinctions and that one can get completely healthy skin at any age by choosing nature. Ah, I remember how I confided in her about my first job interview and how she have me a quick lesson on grooming. Not to mention, I managed to bag the offer with flying colours. For the Society, she could be just a dark skinned Lady who is a Stay at home mother, but for me, I know she is no less than a miracle. Her words, “Beauty needs no ornaments”, always helped me sail through.

She picks the colour of her clothes wisely, so very tasteful. She believes in minimal makeup. She never tries to hide her flows, she curls her hair every afternoon, she uses the right scents so that her evenings can be more meaningful. She doesn’t believe in just passing the time, but she believes in making the most of it.

She is the woman I adore more than any celebrity and I want to tell her that she is indeed beautiful, and getting more beautiful every passing day. The personality is not limited to just the skin colour and thus she has proved everyone wrong in this fair colour obsessed society. True beauty worth following.

I believe every woman has TRUE BEAUTY within her in all the roles she plays. For over 18 years across 650 plus salons across the country, Naturals has been helping the Beautiful Indian Woman get more Beautiful.

Today Naturals Salutes the Beautiful Indian Woman.

Presenting Naturals TRUE BEAUTY…



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