Mom Is Learning

From Delhi to Dubai- My Journey

We never thought that we will live outside our country ever. Even after I got married, the concentration was mostly on earning the daily bread and butter and just surviving somehow. My husband had a bike at that time, and he used to drop me on that to my work, and I used to wonder looking at the cars that someday we shall have a big car too. Even in utmost cold or scorchingly hot weather, we just worked. But we never settled for what destiny offered us. They say God helps those who help themselves. Similarly, a few years later, we started applying for immigration to other countries. But, again. Nothing worked as planned. Some immigration rules changed and all our planning went in vain.

However, Luckily, my husband got a perfect offer from an employer in Dubai and we decided to take a plunge. This time, we sold off our belongings and resigned from our jobs to experience a new world, a melange of different religions and nationalities in the Coastal desert called the UAE. A few months later, here we are, in Dubai. Overseas, 3 hours Flight away from our loved ones, but still once a year travel made it look like it is a million miles away.

I had seen Dubai only on TV before and to me, it meant a hot country with all the facilities that won’t let you feel you are in a desert. Moreover, everyone was extremely friendly and had a smile. The happiness index was certainly high here. So, I started looking for a job for myself too. While my husband was almost settled in his new job, I was on my own, commuting to different locations by taxi, Bus, Metro and managed to appear for many interviews. But it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. The jobs offered weren’t worth my candidature and after struggling for 5 months here, I finally joined a big company as the Secretary to the Business Head.

Each day was like a marathon. From 7 am in the morning- doing household chores with no help, to catching the cab, to working with all my heart at the office and back only to a lonely silent home as husband worked shift duty, to finish cooking and then running errands for the next day. Life was no less than a roller coaster. The days seemed longer than nights, same schedule. We explored Dubai whenever we got time together. We skyped our families who longed for us. We changed our wardrobes. We changed and adapted to the new Dubai lifestyle. One thing for sure was and still is evident that this indeed is the safest place worldwide.
Soon after, when I conceived, I could not take the stress at work and I quit my job. I stayed at home with the full support of my husband and a few months later, I gave birth to a beautiful girl and then life took a beautiful turn more towards motherhood and being a more responsible housewife. It has been a bumpy ride with my 3-year-old now. We followed our instincts and rather than resuming work, I chose to look after her only. My priority stayed our daughter. Each month on her monthly birthday, my husband would buy her new toys and dresses, Our life revolved around her now. I take her to the park each day, we go swimming together. In all this and much more adventurous trips, we tried to give her a taste of Dubai. Of course, she is missing the love of Grandparents and other relatives but ultimately with the quality of living and the safety level, we are reassured that Dubai is the best place to dwell. Now, I am recently trying to bring out my hidden author in me and with my thinking cap, I am trying to resonate with the readers who like to know about parenting, motherhood, and many more great niches. I am currently focusing on being a great mother, and a great influencer as well.

Follow me for more interesting posts on the life of mother raising her child with help of husband but no one else.

Deepa Jaisingh

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