Mom Is Learning

When I woke up as my toddler

I am still sleepy. Where is my mummy? I want to do some kicking. I want to pee. Oh, what a relief. My diaper feels full. I want to kick my legs. I want my mommy to snuggle with me. I am a bit cold. I need my blankie now. OK. I won’t kick it again mom, I promise. I want my bunny too. Oh no. Don’t move mummy. I want no disturbances. I am relaxed after the nighty night. Yesterday’s park trip was so much fun. I met a girl named Sam. What a funny name for a girl. But thank you for being there with me. Those bean seeds you got in the box, looked really delicious but good you told me that’s not for eating. I and Sam had a lot of fun planting those in the park. I wish it grew into a big beanstalk and I would just go climb it up. Wait, Mom, this is not you. What are these pillows doing around me?

I am fully awake now. I will come down from the left side of the bed as it’s the one side I prefer. I feel bulky. I think it’s my diaper. I cannot put my slippers on by myself. But yes, you will do that for me. I have walked around 15 steps and now I have touched the doorknob. I am using all my strength to pull it down. There. The door is opening. I still can’t find you. Man! I am upset. Where is the mommy?

I can hear some sound coming from the kitchen. Most likely you are there. Yes. It is you, mommy. You noticed I am standing and staring at you with my dizzy eyes and you smiled at me. Mumma. I am so glad to see you. I want to hug you now come on. My mummy left all her work to cuddle me but my plans are different now. I want my princess dress, not these silly PJs.

Oh no. I want my pink dress. No. I want to look nice. I don’t want to brush my teeth. No way. Jose!  I don’t want to be quick. I want my mummy to hold me all day long. I want to brush only if I am allowed to put the toothpaste myself. I want to do the brushing myself. Mom. I am hungry but I don’t say it still.

I am done. I am looking great in my pink dress. The diaper is changed. But where is my play dough? I left it on the sofa last night but now it’s gone. I am really mad now. Maybe someone took it. My mom got me my favorite breakfast. Macaroni and cheese..yum yum But I do not want to waste any time feeding myself. I will rather play. Let mummy feed me again. Wow. The pasta is the world yummiest food ever.

Mommie thank you for buying me the lovely strawberries but I was just confused as you didn’t let me eat them. Why do we wash the fruits before eating? I washed my hands, isn’t that enough?

Where is the dad I wonder? Is he at work? It’s alright. I will play with him in the evening when mommy would be tired. I might just jump on his tummy or do a nice pillow fight again.

All well. I think I am tired and don’t know how to say it yet. But Mumma would know. She would tuck me in the bed again for a nap. I really want to buy the popcorn and that red lollipop in evening. Reminder to myself. And no more fighting in the park. I will share with my friends only if they share first. I am a good girl. My mummy will take me there and after a lot of running around, I will not come back home. I will throw tantrums today as its so much fun to see mummy pleasing me.later, I will meet dad. Oh, I am sleepy already. Please close the door mom and sing me a lullaby.


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