Mom Is Learning

Getting your daughter ready for the haircut she dreads

A long time ago, when we got our daughter’s head shaved as per hindu mundan ceremony, she was just 2 year old. We hoped that this will be easily acceptable by her. But, to our surprise, she was quite unhappy with her bald look.

That was the time, she didn’t let us cut her hair let alone talk about the much needed haircut in front of her eversince.

She watches cartoon and just like a regular kid, she gets inspired and super influenced by Disney princesses.

The dress, the bellies, even the hair style has to be matched to be a perfect princess. She won’t go out at age 4 without checking herself in the mirror.

I managed to give her hair a half an inch trim after her due approval last year and also changed her look but giving her a flick but it outgrew again very quickly.

Over the period, she joined school and with the school bus arriving as early at 6:15 am, combing her hair became a Task for me.

Some days, I would just make a top knot ponytail somedays, I would braid her hair but it got tangled and kids usually hate to touch those tangles.

For the sake of my mental health, I kept asking her if she wants a little shorter hair to which she always declined.

What I finally did?

I did some research on the new kids hairstyles and picked one which she could relate to princessy look.

I showed her this picture and alarmingly she said yes!

Jackpot. I hit the jackpot.

I decided that without further Adu I must act. I didn’t want her to change her mind again.

I took her to the saloon and showed her the picture again to recofim my fancies. She was ready. Phew.

I showed the picture of the haircut to the beautician and she didn’t understand why I wanted to chop off those manes.

Please do it!!! I whispered to her.

I didn’t want my 4 year daughter to think twice on her decision.

I told the beautician to make it look long from the front so that the illusion of long hair stays maintained.

She cut her hair within seconds and yalla.

I managed my daughter’s haircut after almost 2 and a half years.

Pat on my back, yes, later I had to treat her with an ice cream but it’s the occasional being good- Treat and it all concluded well.

I am hoping for easily manageable hair with no tangles and no struggles to make the hair look neat and good.

She is demanding for more hair accessories and I think it’s time for some shopping again.

P. S.

Kids hair need not be long. If long hair can not be managed, then please cut them short and stay sane.

Advantages of short hair:

Great for winters, as I got it done as soon as summers bidding adeau. No sweat.

Easy to comb or brush

Easy to clean

Easier to dry

Gives a smart look

Saves time 🤩

Now I know why my mom raised me like a tomboy with short hair.

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