
How to Get a Great Beach Body in just 2 months – Weight loss Programs that work

Swimming season is back again. A lot of people feel they do not have a toned body. In order to achieve the Beachbody, a weight loss plan is required, here is how to lose around 10kg in 2 months.

In other words, How to lose weight fast, with the specific meal plan that will work wonder towards your goal.

Here are some practical and logical hacks to get a Beachboy, You will need to:

1.Join a gym (you need to lift to try and gain lean body mass or at least hold on to what you have), and you can also opt for the best Beachbody workouts.

2. The above will also help you burn calories which is what you need. Generally, though few workouts burn more than 500 calories. So the advise is to dramatically increase the general daily activity and reduce calories intake.

3. Walking is your friend. (As it is sustainable)

4. To reduce your calories successfully you’d be wise to increase protein to 1.5g per kg minimum (for satiation and retention of LBM) but it can go higher. Also protein aids with immunity etc.

5. Every meal should include an abundance of vegetables due to satiation low calorie, micronutrients to aid gut health and recovery.

6. Due to the huge amount of weight you need to lose in such a short amount of time you are going to have to reduce the rest of your foods intake from carbohydrates and fats. (Low carb diet)

But you still need adequate amounts for energy/health (which is the tricky part)

7. It might be smart to undulate your calories. having a little more on your training days than on your nontraining days but ensuring you still have a weekly deficit.


Mainly this goal is most likely a little unreasonable. It would be best served to plan to lose 5-7kgs in 9 weeks ( 2 months).

beachbody weightloss
You would be happy anyway. Use these 9 weeks to also plan for the post-diet period. A good maintenance plan will ensure you keep most of the weight off whilst at the beach and you can continue on to an even better beach body when you return.beachbody weightloss

Some of these statements may be slightly vary depending on the previous training history or current weight. Read about how to combat frizzy hair

Either way, hire a nutritionist and a trainer who doesn’t mention supplements or fad diets. Many places seem to be filled with 90’s style fitness info.

Stay updated, get in shape the right way!





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  1. Walking definitely helps. I might plan a visit soon, about time I start with these tips 🙂 A good diet is a must too.

  2. This is a really helpful article considering summer is right around the corners.Thanks for sharing!

  3. That is definitely a difficult target to loose 8 kgs in 2 months but with controling Macros and.micros and physical exercise one can aim for a toned beach body

  4. Protein is great for satiety and maintaining immunity. These are helpful tips to feel fit and look good.

  5. Thanks for sharing the tips, I am also planning to start workout on daily basis rather I am planning to join dance class. Gym will not work for me even I dont get enough time for that.

  6. I am working on this. I like to eat what I want to eat though, so I won’t ever have the perfect body. Ah well!

  7. I could do some of these considering my sister’s wedding is round the corner and I really need to shed some weight. Thanks for this

  8. walking definitely helps a lot! I walk to work or park at the farthest space so I can walk more! enjoying some air as well is very refreshing!

  9. Those are some good tips, and also kinda common sens as well. I do love to walk, and with spring around the corner I hope more fresh vegetables will get in my plate.

  10. Having a beach body is not that easy, it needs lot of hard work. I love your tips, joining a gym is a great start but be consistent and attend the gym at least 4 times a week is a must to achieve the body you want.

  11. Great tips! I think exercising and diet is a must. I have been on the keto diet for some time now and I went from 134 to 122lbs. Steady at 122 lbs right now which was my pre-baby weight to begin with. Definitely what you put in your body and what you do to your body makes or breaks weight loss.

  12. I have been walking a lot lately. It’s nice and relaxing on top of me getting some exercise.

  13. A health diet and exercise are both equally important . I make sure to exercise daily to stay fit.

    P/s I am not sure if my first comment went through because an error appeared after I click post comment. So I am commenting again

  14. Health and fitness are always good things to try and test. I doubt I’ll have a beach body for this summer but that is what floaty dresses are for! 😀

  15. Great tips! I’ll share this with some friends I know who are always scrambling to lose weight before the summer!!

  16. I’ve been thinking about losing weight for a long time. This is not only informative but also quite motivating. Will start my diet from tomorrow itself. Thank you so much for sharing ♥

  17. I’m a big gym fan so shaping up for summer and helping with people achieve that is something I am totally onboard with! As you’ve said, it’s all about healthy eating combined with exercise. It’s pretty simple, more calories out than in and you’ll achieve weight loss. For that eprfect beach body you need tone too so weights are your friend!

  18. i am on a mission to lose some weight before summer comes. I have joined the gym (yesterday!) and started a low carb meal plan which I combine with the OMAD diet, which made miracles with the way I was feeling last time I followed it.

  19. Great tips! I wonder though why only in summer we think of physical fitness. Ideally, we should be following these tips throughout the year.

  20. Grea tips! Thanks for sharing. I’m currently vegan so its been a huge change trying to get in healthy proteins without getting sick and tired of veggies. But I got the gym part down! hahah.

    XO Andie

  21. Great tips! I try to stick to a healthy diet and workout often. Not eating sweets and desserts is the hard part, or at least for me is the hardest part ever ever lol Drinking lots of water helps too.


  22. The best way I had ever lost weight was when I was on summer break in college, my mom had us signed up with a nutritionist who also prescribed us some Phentermine. While the pill was amazing at taking away the taste in my food, I think the real thing that really helped me was how much exercise and movement I did when I went back to work. I worked in a clipper factory and was moving all of the time. Also, seeing the nutritionist once a week for a daily weigh in helped to keep me accountable to myself. I wouldn’t prescribe pills- because when they’re gone they can do more damage, but keep yourself accountable.

  23. Perfect timing definitely! Maintaining nutrition while trying to lose weight is a huge challenge. One that I am facing! Walking has really become very important — I am using my new watch to monitor my step count, Thanks for sharing!

  24. Walking is always a great idea. Just moving around and staying more active does a great job of keeping you in shape.

  25. It’s really difficult to do that. Sometimes you just need to push yourself to do it. I am so out of shape at the moment. I really just need to begin to push myself forward. I know I can lose the weight.

  26. I have recently started walking again after a long break and it really made a lot of difference in a good way!Good diet always helps in maintaining healthy weight!Thanks for your wonderful tips!

  27. Walking is not only my friend but my super best friend! I love doing it and I also enjoy the moments.