
Red craft ideas for school kids involving kids and parents for Red day

As per the kindergarten curriculum, all students were asked to prepare for the Red day. The guidelines suggested that the red color is of primary focus. The knowledge of Red color can be imbibed in the kids through the practical process. We already had ideas popping up in our minds on some red craft and finding red color things were super easy. The motive behind this theme is that at a younger age, the kids would recognize as well as know the FACTS about Red color.

little Red Riding hood picture

Each kid would bring something Red and would speak about it.

The focus could be these :
  • Red is a primary color.
  • Red is a sign of danger.
  • Red is my favorite color.
  • The red color at the traffic signal means Stop.


The things to bring in to the school should be red and it is not just limited to things, but it could also be a costume, a dress, a jacket etc.

At a parent level, I could think of sending a red rose, or an apple with my kindergartener. These ‘are’ red.

But here goes my little one.

As we discussed a lot on this topic, she came up with an idea. She wanted to dress up like a little riding hood. This was the self-motivated thought and to encourage her and respect her opinions, I soon found a shop that sold costumes at a very fair price.

After bringing it home, my daughter decided to give it a try. She looked like an adorable red riding hood with a silk hood. Then, she recited the story of this character and she suggested that Red riding hood has to bring her grandma a basket full of -Red apples (and chocolates šŸŽšŸ«).

Her imagination took a sprint to the next level. Our mutual discussions lead to an organized and planned Red day.

The crafty mama took out her DIY things and made a beautiful sparkly basket using the glittery sheet and an old ball and using the opportunity forĀ coloring activities for kids, colored it sparkly red and put a green leaf to make it look like a real apple. This is our fun thing to color.

I filled the paper basket with some cotton and the apple was kept steadily inside. Some part of the apple still peeped out.


DIY Red day ideas- basket for school activities

DIY Basket made from some glitter paper

DIY Apple using a ball

She rehearsed her Red day lines and was very happy to go to her school the next morning.

This entire activity proved good in many ways, the parental involvement and child’s imagination if glued together can really bring something outstanding.

Read aboutĀ The hands free mommy

What would you make if you had to prepare for the Red day?

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  1. Thanks for sharing this Deepa. Penguin is yet to go to school and his friend’s mom used to worry about dresses. I was thoroughly confused with the reason behind dress. This helped me.

  2. Yeah! I can relate. I have experienced and again I am preparing myself because now my little one is ready for going to preschool.

  3. That is one fun activity to tickle a child’s imagination. How sweet…she wanted to be the red riding hood…. šŸ™‚

  4. Thanks for sharing this idea. I usually dread the fancy dress day as my kid always ends up with some classi characters.